I Resolve to Stick to My Resolve
So, you’ve made a New Year’s resolution. Now how do you stick to it? Too often, we commit to a goal but end up letting it fall by the wayside. In fact, studies show that only 8 percent of Americans keep their New Year’s resolutions all year, and a whopping 80 percent fail by the start of February! How do we get it into our psyche that “I resolve to stick to my resolve”?
Tips to reach those goals
If you’re serious about your goals and ready to create lasting change, follow these tips offered by Harvard Medical School:
- Dream big. Setting an audacious goal, like competing in a marathon or losing 50 pounds, might be intimidating, but it can also be inspiring. A big goal will attract the attention of those around you. Many will cheer you on, and some will help you on your journey to achieving your goal. With support and drive, you can achieve anything. And your “I resolve” will become “I did!”.
- Break big dreams into small steps. You may have set a big goal, but small steps are key to achieving it. As you accomplish the smaller goals, you will build confidence and determination, making it easier to succeed at the more difficult tasks. Start every plan with “Make list,” and you’re guaranteed to check one box off quickly. This encourages you to follow through on your other tasks and will eventually lead you to the finish line.
- Understand why you shouldn’t make a change. It sounds counterintuitive, but once you understand why you’re sticking to old bad habits, it will be easier to move toward change. Your chance of success is much greater when the benefits of adopting a new habit become more attractive than continuing with the old. You can make the process easier by engaging in enjoyable aspects of unhealthy behavior without the behavior itself. For example, if you enjoy taking smoke breaks, take the break, and enjoy the time but skip the cigarette. Otherwise, it will feel like an upward battle with little reward.
I resolve to stick to my resolve, even when it’s tough
- Commit yourself. You’ve told yourself “I resolve” to follow through on your resolution, but have you told anyone else? Making a written or verbal promise to people you don’t want to let down will help you push through the tough spots. The more people you share your goal with, the better. Post and track your promise on social media or seek out people with similar goals online.
- Give yourself a medal. In working toward your goal, it’s important to acknowledge the small successes along the way. Reward yourself each time you reach a new milestone. Celebrate by listening to a favorite song or taking a well-deserved break to do something you love. Share your successes with others for su
pport and motivation to keep going.
- Learn from the past. If you’ve made a similar resolution in the past and failed, consider it a lesson learned. When you hit a snag, think about what did and didn’t work, then change your approach accordingly. For example, if making time to exercise for 30 minutes each day never works on busy days, break it up into three 10-minute spurts of exercise. Try one exercise activity before work, one during lunch, and one after work, or a 20-minute exercise during lunch and a 10-minute exercise activity while watching TV.
Attitude empowers or inhibits
- Give thanks for what you do. Don’t strive to be perfect. Even if you end up doing less than you’d like in completing your goal, any activity or attempt in the right direction is a win. For example, if your goal is to compete in a marathon, don’t be too hard on yourself if you end up walking some of it rather than running the full distance. You can still be proud that you showed up and finished. Be grateful for what you can accomplish each day, and if you stumble, there’s always tomorrow to try again and improve. Remember how tough that “I resolve” first felt and look what you’ve overcome.
Electronic Caregiver Helps you Keep your Resolve
Electronic Caregiver helps thousands of customers across the country stick to their own resolutions about being in charge of their own health. With multiple features to support healthcare plans, our systems are relied upon and even seen as encouragement for our users to keep those resolutions about their weight, glucose, medications, and more.
For more information about how we help others stay on track, contact us at 833-324-533, and we will be happy to chat with you about the possibilities of customizing a system for you or your loved one.
Happy New Year to you. We wish you health. And, more than that, we hope you’ll join us as together we declare, “I resolve to keep my resolve!” Here’s to your healthy 2021.